Dr. Rosenberg’s North and South Carolina clients include: The American Physical Therapy Association, Bon Secours Health Care System, The Medical University of South Carolina, Research Triangle Institute, The NC Institute of Medicine, The UNC School of Government, Duke University, and the NC Department of Public Instruction. 

Recent Leadership Publications:

  • Margolis L., Steber K., Rosenberg A., Palmer A., Rounds A. and Wells M. partnering with parents in Interprofessional leadership: graduate education to promote family–professional partnerships, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2017
  • McHugh M., Margolis L., Rosenberg A., Humphreys E. Advancing MCH Interdisciplinary/ Interprofessional Leadership Training and Practice Through a Learning Collaborative, Maternal Child Health J, DOI 10.1007, 2016
  • Margolis L., Umble K., Rosenberg A. "The Relationship between Interprofessional Leadership Education and Interprofessional Practice: How Intensive Personal Leadership Education Makes a Difference "Health and Interprofessional Practice, 2015.
  • Rosenberg A., Margolis L., Umble K., Chewning L. Fostering Intentional Interdisciplinary Leadership in Developmental Disabilities: The North Carolina LEND Experience. Maternal and Child Health Journal. DOI 10.1007, 18 (1), 2014.
  • Margolis L., Rosenberg A., Umble K., Chewning L. Looking at graduates of Title V MCHB-funded training programs through the lens of the MCH Pyramid. Maternal Child Health J. DOI 10.1007, October 26, 2012.
  • Margolis L., Rosenberg A., Umble K., Chewning L. Effects of interdisciplinary training on MCH professionals, organizations, and systems. Maternal and Child Health Journal. July, 2012.

In 2016, Dr. Rosenberg’s company was selected to partner with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) National initiative, A Culture of Health, providing Executive Coaching, leadership curriculum development and strategic evaluation feedback, for the Clinical Scholars-RWJF Fellowship Program. Dr. Rosenberg’s success as an organizational development consultant also placed her in the spotlight in 2012 when she received National recognition as a recipient of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Health Professional Hall of Fame Award for her work in developing MS STEP UP (www.msstepup.org), a nationally recognized curriculum model to train Physical Therapy graduate students as specialists in the treatment of neurological diseases. Further, she was selected as the lead consultant for a federally sponsored (MCHB/AUCD) sponsored initiative, the Interprofessional Leadership Learning Collaborative (ILLC), where she guided leadership development strategies for University and Health System teams from across the United States. 

Angela's Bio

Angela Rosenberg, DrPH, PT, BCC, Leadership Consultant

Dr. Angela Rosenberg is a leadership consultant who earned her Master’s in Public Health and her Doctorate in Leadership Development at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.  Through her company, Inside Out (www.insideoutenneagram.com), Dr. Rosenberg focuses on individualized leadership development and the development, facilitation, and evaluation of interdisciplinary leadership teams. She is a Board Certified Leadership Coach (BCC) and is certified to administer and train on several leadership assessment tools such as the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, The 360 Leadership Profile, The FIRO Element B and The Change Style Indicator. Dr. Rosenberg has presented and consulted on team-building approaches and strategic planning with many National organizations including the Department of Health and Human Services, The Federal Bureau of Maternal and Child Health (MCHB), The Association of University Centers on Disability (AUCD), The National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and American Physical Therapy Association.

She is an Adjunct Faculty and Leadership Consultant with The University of Arizona, Department of Pediatrics and retired faculty from the UNC School of Medicine-Department of Allied Health Sciences, School of Medicine. She has authored publications in several peer reviewed journals including The Journal of Maternal and Child Health, The Journal of Physical Therapy and the Journal of Interprofessional Practice.  

Angela is most at home in her country garden in Pittsboro, North Carolina where she lives on a farm with her husband, 3 Great Danes, 3 donkeys, and too many weeds!

You can contact Angela via her website: www.insideoutenneagram.com  or angela.rosenberg1@gmail.com